Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 79

volume Number : 15
number In Volume : 9
issue Number : 79

Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 15، number In Volume 9، ، issue Number 79

Aesthetics of children's poetry with the focus on the works of Sh’abannejad, Kianoosh and Keshavarz

Abbas Sayyadi Daryakenari , Majid Azizi (Author in Charge), Shahrokh Hekmat


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Children"s poetry is one of the types of children"s literature that has its own characteristics. Rhythmic and musical, the use of weights and rhymes appropriate to their age, simple language, beautiful themes and imaginative elements are the most important features that poets in this field should consider. The beauty of the poems of this age group will fertilize their musical taste and aesthetic talent. This research has been done with the aim of reflecting the aesthetics of children"s poetic literature with the focus on the poems of Afsaneh Shabannejad, Mahmoud Kianoosh and Nasser Keshavarz.

METHODOLOGY: The research method is descriptive-analytical in which data and information are collected by library method and many diagrams are drawn.

FINDINGS: Shabannejad, Kianoosh and Keshavarz using various and happy weights, desirable rhyme, various rows, types of repetition and puns which are the most important verbal industries and the use of imaginary forms such as simile, metaphor, irony and permission as well as recognition, sensibility, appropriateness , Contrast and exaggeration add to the beauty of their poems and attract the child"s audience.

CONCLUSION: The study of aesthetics in the poems of three poets showed that in the section related to weights, the variety in the poems of the farmer is more significant. In the use of imaginary images and novel arrays, Nasser Keshavarz has used the arrays of repetition, sensuality, proportionality, contradiction and exaggeration in beautifying and attracting the audience more than Kianoosh and Shabannejad. Permissible) and punishment has shown more attention than the farmer and Shaban Nejad.

Aesthetics , Children's Poetry , Afsaneh Shabannejad , Mahmoud Kianoosh and Nasser Keshavarz

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